понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

florida fish limits

O and I were talking this morning.� She saw on the internets that Clint Easton is openly supporting Palin and McCain; I think in that order.� She lost what little amount of respect for poor Clint.� I donapos;t agree with him either, though I like many of his movies.� Play Misty for Me is a good movie.

Several Hollywooders are openly red, sort of like being openly red in the 50apos;s; people just stare at them and think, well ok if you want, whatever.� Charlton Heston was the worst.� He thought Reagan and H.W. Were the greatest thing since the Tommy Gun; he was the president of the NRA for a while. � Other celebs for McCain are Stephen Baldwin, Robert Duvall, James Caan, Lou Ferrigno (the Hulk, tv series), Ferando Lamas, Pat Boone, and like that.� Are we seeing a trend?� Most are has beens or were never weres.

Repubicans hate Barbara Streisand, not just because they are opposed to her political views, but because she can raise some serious money.� Repubs think they should have a monopoly on money.

I do not subscribe to the whole Democratic platform, maybe a few of the planks.� Nancy Pelosi is a hack and should be removed as majority leader.� She does not represent the working person, who is trying to get ahead.� She tends to represent the ultra left of Hollywood.� She is like much of Hollywood, more interested in her appearance than content.� One can tell she has had a lot a plastic surgery.� How she got elected to majority leader, well her competition was that nerd Harry something, and she gives better head.

I am a not a Repub.� They will screw the common person everytime with deficite spending while claiming to be conservative, and finding a war to enrich contractors while occupying the common people in fighting it.� I do not like the ultra left either, with their pro-choice shit and freedom to impose atheisistic views on the religious.� We all have the bill of rights and Roe v. Wade is still good law, so shut the hell up.� Many donapos;t like Harry Truman, but then they havenapos;t studied the man.� I am no expert, but I have studied history and read McCulloughapos;s Pulitzer prize winning biography on him.� Truman was as common as a person could get.� When he went to Washington, all his belongings were in a Uhaul pulled by his Buick.� When he left, he had no pension.� He had no health care.� Years later, because it was a national embarssment how Truman had no health care, had fallen and broke his hip, and there was no Secret Service watching after him.� LBJ is the one who gave ex-Presidents a pension, healthcare, and a Secret Service detail.� Like Truman, I am conservative, but believe there should be a level playing field for all Americans.

I am not crazy about Hollywood getting political; they should just act in movies.� However, if they do get political, donapos;t do something stupid like openly support Palin.� Thatapos;s as bad as the morons who still drive around with W stickers on the back of their SUVs.

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