Dear Parents,� Happy October.� It has been a busy couple of weeks.� I am sure you are aware Report Cards will be coming home tomorrow.� An explanation of the standards used to evaluate your child are printed on the back.� This should help you understand the verbage on the report card.� (I have to check sometimes myself).� Many of the children received P for making progress on behavior areas.� This is the first nine weeks, and we will continue to work on behavior all year long.� Cobb County does not give teachers any fall release time to hold conferences.� If you feel you need a conference, I will be happy to schedule one.� However, I will have to hold any conference after school when I do not have any other meetings and conflicts.� We may also hold a phone conference, if you have questions.� Our only release time for conferences will be in January.
We have been having a lot of fun in class with lots of learning being accomplished.� I know I have totally confused everyone on the Reading Folder.� I am only sending them home on days they have Reading Homework.� Therefore, you may want to keep the calendat at home to record reading minutes until the end of the month.� I am sorry for all the confusion, but I think this will work better for all of us.� Thanks for all your understanding.� Many things are trial and error for me.
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